This page last updated 28 Apr 24 16:20:39
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Fri 2:35     Bomb City Ballers (137) gg_Factory D5 Gunnerz (150) Team Blank
Fri 3:05     The Leftovers III (138) Austin Notorious D5 Shut Up They're Trying (151) Austin Assault
Fri 3:35     Bomb City Ballers (139) Team Blank Gunnerz (152) gg_Factory D5
Fri 4:05     The Leftovers III (140) Austin Assault Shut Up They're Trying (153) Austin Notorious D5
Fri 4:45     Team Blank (141) Austin Notorious D5 gg_Factory D5 (154) Austin Assault
Fri 5:15     Gunnerz (142) The Leftovers III Shut Up They're Trying (155) Bomb City Ballers
Fri 5:45     Austin Assault (143) Team Blank gg_Factory D5 (156) Austin Notorious D5
Fri 6:15     Bomb City Ballers (144) The Leftovers III Shut Up They're Trying (157) Gunnerz
Sat 11:00     Austin Assault (2500) Gunnerz Team Blank (2501) Shut Up They're Trying
Sat 1:00 Austin Assault (2500) Team Blank Gunnerz (2501) Shut Up They're Trying
This page last updated 28 Apr 24 16:20:39
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