This page last updated 23 Jun 24 18:22:10
Lone Wolf - Pit 1Carbon - Pit 1Carbon - Pit 2Empire - Pit 1Empire - Pit 2 Infamous - Pit 1Infamous - Pit 2Eclipse - Pit 1Eclipse - Pit 2HK*Army - Pit 1 HK*Army - Pit 2
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Fri 8:00               TKO (2076) DC Sabotage Avid Factory (2088) Blasphemy Sac DMG (2099) Boss Ballers Tropic Thunderr (2110) NME   FACK (2125) Noobies
Fri 8:45               AG Knights (2077) New Jersey Lost Boys GANGSTER (2089) Filthy Few The Lost Boys (2100) Nova Royalty Tension (2111) L.K.A.   Houston Zone (2126) Nasty Dawgs
Fri 9:30               OG AViD (2078) Syracuse Outlaws Omenz (2090) Super Fast Quebec Nordiques D4 (2101) Sunday Sleepers MRF Factory (2112) NME   Tampa Bay Animal House (2127) Noobies
Fri 10:15               AG Knights (2079) DC Sabotage GANGSTER (2091) Blasphemy The Lost Boys (2102) Boss Ballers Tropic Thunderr (2113) L.K.A.   FACK (2128) Nasty Dawgs
Fri 11:00               TKO (2080) OG AViD Avid Factory (2092) Omenz Sac DMG (2103) Quebec Nordiques D4 Tension (2114) MRF Factory   Houston Zone (2129) Tampa Bay Animal House
Fri 11:45               New Jersey Lost Boys (2081) Syracuse Outlaws Filthy Few (2093) Super Fast Nova Royalty (2104) Sunday Sleepers
Fri 13:15             Carolina Crisis (2070) The Leftovers
Fri 14:00             JACKALS (2071) Suricatos D4
Fri 14:45             Rebellion (2072) Rundown
Fri 15:30             JACKALS (2073) The Leftovers
Fri 16:15             Carolina Crisis (2074) Rebellion
Fri 17:00             Suricatos D4 (2075) Rundown
Sat 8:00               AG Knights (2216) Syracuse Outlaws Blasphemy (2228) Omenz Boss Ballers (2239) Quebec Nordiques D4 L.K.A. (2250) NME   Nasty Dawgs (2255) Noobies
Sat 8:45               DC Sabotage (2217) OG AViD GANGSTER (2229) Super Fast The Lost Boys (2240) Sunday Sleepers Tropic Thunderr (2251) MRF Factory   FACK (2256) Tampa Bay Animal House
Sat 9:30               TKO (2218) New Jersey Lost Boys Avid Factory (2230) Filthy Few Sac DMG (2241) Nova Royalty Tension (2252) NME   Houston Zone (2257) Noobies
Sat 10:15               DC Sabotage (2219) Syracuse Outlaws Blasphemy (2231) Super Fast Boss Ballers (2242) Sunday Sleepers MRF Factory (2253) L.K.A.   Tampa Bay Animal House (2258) Nasty Dawgs
Sat 11:00               TKO (2220) AG Knights     Tension (2254) Tropic Thunderr   Houston Zone (2259) FACK
Sat 11:35                 Filthy Few (2232) Omenz Nova Royalty (2243) Quebec Nordiques D4
Sat 11:45               New Jersey Lost Boys (2221) OG AViD
Sat 12:20                 Avid Factory (2233) GANGSTER Sac DMG (2244) The Lost Boys
Sat 13:15             The Leftovers (2210) Rebellion
Sat 14:00             JACKALS (2211) Rundown
Sat 14:45             Carolina Crisis (2212) Suricatos D4
Sat 15:30             The Leftovers (2213) Rundown
Sat 16:15             Suricatos D4 (2214) Rebellion
Sat 17:00             Carolina Crisis (2215) JACKALS
Sun 8:00   GANGSTER (2500) L.K.A. Carolina Crisis (2501) The Lost Boys OG AViD (2502) Omenz New Jersey Lost Boys (2503) FACK   Tension (2504) Nasty Dawgs Sunday Sleepers (2505) Quebec Nordiques D4
Sun 9:40       Avid Factory (2500) GANGSTER Rundown (2501) The Lost Boys   Quebec Nordiques D4 (2502) OG AViD Nasty Dawgs (2503) FACK
Sun 12:20   Avid Factory (2500) FACK The Lost Boys (2501) Quebec Nordiques D4
Sun 14:35 Avid Factory (2500) The Lost Boys
Sun 15:00   FACK (2501) Quebec Nordiques D4
This page last updated 23 Jun 24 18:22:10
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